Math Toolkit

Math Toolkit™

Cross platform high performance scientific computing solutions

Our Math Toolkit classes are:

  • Complex number – Representation of the real value and imaginary value of a complex number.
  • Numeric vector – Class providing the capability to represent and manipulate numerical vectors. Operations supported include additional, subtraction, multiplication, division, indexing and others.
  • Numeric matrix – Class providing the capability to represent and manipulate numerical matrixes. Operations supported include additional, subtraction, multiplication, division, indexing and others.
  • Numeric array – Class providing the capability to represent and manipulate numerical arrays. Operations supported include additional, subtraction, multiplication, division, indexing and others.
  • LU factorization – Compute the lower and upper triangular matrix for a given matrix.
  • Fast Fourier Tranforms – Mechanisms for computing Discrete Fourier Transform.
  • Random number generators – Mechanisms for computing random number based on various probability distributions.
  • Least squares approximation – Compute the best-fit curve for a set of data.
  • Histogram – Class providing the capability to represent and manipulate data in histograms.

Math Toolkit was carefully designed to provide the following important benefits:

  • Efficiency – The interfaces in Math Toolkit are designed to provide cross-platform power without incurring high overhead. Each class is customized with minimal overhead, creating a high-performance numerical library.
  • Portability – Math Toolkit uses standard C++ syntax, therefore it is portable across numerous platforms.
  • Simplicity – The classes and algorithms contained in Math Toolkit are quite easy to learn and simple to use, reducing the time taken to develop mathematical applications. In fact, some examples can be used as is for mathematical analysis.